Reinventing the wheel: Accuracy vs. satisfaction

Apparently Medicare is just dicovering what we’ve all known in library science for decades: satisfaction and accuracy are not the same measure! A GAO study of 1-800-MEDICARE, found accuracy rates of 61%. Remarkably close to 55%, I’d say. Indeed, their methodology was practically lifted from Hernon & McClure (1986): test questions developed for the study, asked by proxies, of different answerers. And then comes my favorite part: Medicare responds with.. Read More

Compare and contrast

Evelyn put up a new batch of cartoons outside her office door recently. This rotating display is always a treat because Evelyn has a terrifically dry sense of humor. One of the new cartoons was this one from the New Yorker. An exercise for the reader. Compare and Contrast: that cartoon, and Bono’s quote: “In America, you look at the mansion on the hill and think, ‘One day that will.. Read More