New journals on the scene

I saw 2 announcements today for interesting new online journals. Two in one day! A veritable bonanza of online publishing. These look to be worth following. Plagiary Devoted specifically to the scholarly, cross-disciplinary study of plagiary and related behaviors across the disciplines, articles in Plagiary address the issue of fraudulent contributions to disciplinary discourse communities and the potential (and actual) corruption of the professional literature and other genres of discourse.. Read More

Moss is the new Negroponte

Press release from the Media Lab: Moss appointed Media Lab director A seasoned entrepreneur and technology executive, [Frank] Moss has spent the last 25 years building a diverse set of companies that are on the leading edge of technology — from startups to large public companies, from high tech to biotech. With Moss’s appointment, Media Lab co-founder Nicholas Negroponte will step down as chairman to concentrate on One Laptop per.. Read More

Better living through automation

The Roomba that I wrote about in my last post arrived on Feb 15, not bad for a Valentine’s Day present! And the verdict is: we totally dig it, it scares the dog, the cat doesn’t care. How cool is it that we can be walking the dog, or making dinner, or whatever, and have a robot be cleaning the house at that very moment? Better living through automation, that’s.. Read More