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My week in Twitter

Note to parents: C's birthday party will be at our house today, due to the threat of thunderstorms. # What cracks me up is this: How did I find out my segment aired on Brian Williams? From Twitter. http://j.mp/aie0tY Thanks @james3neal # Hey! I'm on TV! Talking about goats! They chose to use a really weird quote, but still… me, on TV! And goats! http://j.mp/aie0tY # @essprit Siunds awesome, C.. Read More

My week in Twitter

Reading The Collapse of Complex Societies, by Tainter. What is society? What is complex? What is collapse? More fun than is reasonable. # My definition of pleasure reading seems to have shifted from “fiction” to “anything that is not library & info science.” # A compelling argument for smartcars? Apparently no one wants to buy a Hummer, even if it's only $2. http://yfrog.com/0s7xupj # CH Garden Tour is in our.. Read More

In which Pomerantz contemplates the mythical Paperless Office

I have a vision of my future. This vision was brought on by the “forced spring cleaning” of getting our offices painted in Manning Hall. Yes, the entire interior of The True Manning is being painted. We won’t get a new building any time soon, but at least the one we’re in will be made nicer. Progress. This painting is going to start soon… and by soon, I mean, apparently,.. Read More

My week in Twitter

Discovered poison ivy in our front yard. Damn. Time to get our goats. http://twitpic.com/1eokh2 # BWilliams show is about Google's use of goats for landscaping, but they wanted footage to show that goats are being used elsewhere too. # Was interviewed at Earth Action Day in S Village about Goat Patrol, the weed-eating goats & if we'd use them, for an NBC Brian Williams show # Pollen, sand, wood http://twitpic.com/1edi3d.. Read More

My week in Twitter

The pollen storm is in full force, and I am a sad Yankee. # Thanks for wellwishes. All is well. Nothing missing from house, I'm fine. Y&C weren't home. Dog is hero of the day. CH Police seriously FTW. # What I'm learning from this is what I always suspected: I make a lousy witness. Sorry officers, really. # Too much excitement for one day: thwarted home breakin, called 911,.. Read More

Our thwarted home break-in

I was working at home today, because Carolina was closed on account of Good Friday. This is weird to me… where I come from, Good Friday isn’t a holiday that closes anything. But that’s another issue entirely. And anyway, I work at home whenever I can. On the other hand, Duke wasn’t closed today so Yvonne was working, and Charlotte was at preschool. Good thing, too, as it turned out… Read More

My week in Twitter

Little girl parenting hell: birthday party for one of C's friends at Build-a-Bear Workshop at the mall. # I wish I'd thought it was interesting enough 2 write abt this when I started doing it, the same semester as this author: http://is.gd/b2dlc # I think that browbeating the printer into submission just now took as long as it did to write the document that I printed on it. # I'm.. Read More

My week in Twitter

The idea of a show being live, being broadcast now, is foreign to our little C. # Dude, where's my spring? # I haven't had a day this week when I could work at home, as I usually have. And boy has this week been unproductive, work-wise. # I almost left the house this AM without my wallet or keys — but I had my iPhone. There are my priorities.. Read More

Welcome to the Tungle

As I tweeted the other day, I want a better way to let students schedule meetings with me, but I don’t want to make my Google Calendar public. And I asked the World Brain for suggestions. I got several: Doodle, TimeBridge (including a tweet from the VP of Marketing and Business Development of TimeBridge), Tungle, and simply blocking out time in Google Calendar. I also saw this post on Prof… Read More

My week in Twitter

What do you call a cousin by marriage? Cousin? # How is it that this is the 2nd wedding I've been to where the bride & groom entered the reception to Welcome To The Jungle? # Showed C the site of my cousin's wedding, on a riverwalk. She was more interested in the boats. # The Ft Lauderdale area is fractal: it's the same 25 businesses repeated over & over,.. Read More