Bear with me for a moment while I’m insufferable. Because…
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Highest Distinction, baby! Hellz yeah!
So ok, seriously now. These are the levels of certificates for CS101, as articulated in the announcement email:
Certificate of Completion: you completed the class, and demonstrated that by either getting at least one question correct on the final exam, or solving at least 3 questions correctly on Homework 6.
Certificate of Accomplishment: you solved at least 3 questions correctly on the Final.
Certificate of Accomplishment with High Distinction: you solved at least 9 questions correctly on the Final.
Certificate of Accomplishment with Highest Distinction: you solved all 11 questions (including the 3 starred questions) correctly on the final, or you correctly answered over 80% of all the homework questions correctly and at least 6 questions correct on the final.
I did not get all 11 questions correct on the final; in fact, I got 88% correct (7 out of 8 questions) on the main part of the final, and 67% (2 of 3) on the starred questions. (The starred questions were the extra-challenging ones. Starred questions were a standard feature of the homeworks throughout the course.) But I did average an 85% on the homeworks. So there you go.
Ok, I was feeling all insufferably smug there for a while, until I actually ran those numbers, and realized that I’m a solid B+ student. Oh well.
Anyway… I don’t have any of my actual degrees hanging on my office wall. But I’m sure as hell going to hang the Udacity certificate.
There’s still hope!
Lynne O'Brien
Congratulations! I’m in awe.