LMS Bingo

I realized yesterday that in my long and storied career in academia, I’ve taught with a pretty fair cross-section of learning management systems. And then, because I’m just that compulsive, I started to try to count them. So for your edification… or maybe for my own amusement… here’s that list. WebCT: I cut my teeth on this LMS, way back as a doctoral student at Syracuse University. I used it.. Read More

MOOCs and OA

One of the FAQs on the course description page for my Coursera Metadata MOOC says: Will there be a required textbook? No. Readings will be selected from freely available articles, web content and open access scholarly literature. When I teach a classroom-based course, I can easily assign subscription content to my students: articles in journals or chapters from ebooks that the UNC libraries subscribe to. As I understand it, all.. Read More