I’ve had Radio Free Albemuth sitting on my nightstand for a while now. I went to pick it up to read it recently, when I had the harebrained idea that I should instead work my way up to it, by reading everything that Philip K. Dick wrote in chronological order. Now, I’ve read a pretty fair bit of PKD’s work already, and not in any kind of sensible order. But.. Read More
Ripping books
I have ripped my first book: In The Age Of The Smart Machine: The Future Of Work And Power, by Shoshana Zuboff. Why In The Age Of The Smart Machine, in particular? Well, first of all, it’s not really my book, or at least I didn’t buy it: it was bought by Robin Peek, my colleague, mentor, and friend from Simmons College (and my ripped version retains her name written.. Read More
A proclamation!
Cross-posted with the Pomerantz Kidblog. It’s been a long time since I’ve obsessed publicly, here on this blog, over a children’s book. So clearly it’s time. We’re big Mo Willems fans (the man who brought us the pigeon who is not allowed to drive the bus), and ever since seeing this movie, have been obsessed with naked mole rats. (It was a happy, happy day when the Syracuse zoo installed.. Read More