An announcement went out today that the Office of Sponsored Research recently released its 2006 Annual Report. Curious, I took a look. Some interesting data from the main report: Total funding for FY 2006: $593,390,527, a 2.38% increase over FY05. Unsurprisingly, the School of Medicine was by far the largest recipient of grant funding on campus, to the tune of 48.57% of all funding received at UNC-CH. By comparison, SILS.. Read More
Management of Institutional Digital Assets
An interesting new project: Duke and Dartmouth Will Partner in Planning for the Management of Institutional Digital Assets The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded Duke University $41,300 for a collaborative planning project with Dartmouth College to design institutional strategies and policies for managing scholarly and administrative assets in digital form. Rather than looking for technological solutions, Duke and Dartmouth will focus on developing a clearer definition of all of.. Read More
LRRT Ingenta Award: Thwarted
I’m on the ALA Library Research Round Table. The LRRT offers the Ingenta Research Award every year, & the deadline for submitting proposals has just passed, on March 31. Yesterday I got an email from the LRRT Chair that included this: I regret to advise you that we cannot award an Ingenta grant this year. Unfortunately, no one applied for the Ingenta grant and it is clear that we need.. Read More
DL curriculum grant gets press
Who’d have thunk it, that curriculum development was so interesting to the media? Wanda, our Director of Communications, wrote the UNC News release about our Digital Library Curriculum Development project, and the UNC News Service distributed it to the media. Almost immediately, Barbara was interviewed by WCHL.
Yet another award
Three weeks ago I wrote that my awards seem to be experiencing arithmetic growth. Well, I’m happy to report that this is still more or less true. In fact, I’m slightly ahead of my projected growth rate: earlier this week we learned that we’ve been funded by the NSF for $260,000 over 3 years. Project title: Curriculum Development: Digital Libraries Project purpose? Well, curriculum development for digital libraries, obviously. Or,.. Read More
Another Award
This has been a damn good week for me: first the Junior Faculty Development Award, and now this afternoon I received an email that I’ve received the OCLC/ALISE Library and Information Science Research Grant. So the Junior Faculty Award is for $7500. The LISRGP is for $15K. Maybe next week I’ll get something for 30K. At this rate, by the end of the Spring semester I’ll be receiving grants in.. Read More
Junior Faculty Development Award
Happy news: yesterday I got a letter from the Provost’s office that I’ve received the Junior Faculty Development Award! So now I’ve got $7500 coming to me, which must be spent in the 2006 calendar year. I’m a’gonna buy me a GA, thank you very much. Actually I already have one; now I can even pay her. Not that you asked, but the title of the project is: Multi-state Evaluation.. Read More