Gentle reader, good news. My long-awaited essay was published this morning in the Inside Higher Ed Views section. Long-awaited by me anyway… the IHE editor was very expeditious in moving this piece along, but I started writing the stupid thing 6 months ago.
I originally titled the piece “You don’t owe me an apology.” But the IHE editor changed it to the, I have to admit, better title “No Apologies.”
And now that this piece is off my plate, it occurs to me that there’s a Part 2 that I want to write. No Apologies is mostly a meditation on why it’s really ok for students to disengage from a MOOC, or audit one. My editor suggested some expansions, to the effect that everyone should also stop wigging out about the high dropout rates from MOOCs generally, and that the higher ed press should stop harping on the issue. I included some discussion to that effect in the middle of No Apologies. But it occurs to me that really deserves 1500 or so words of its own. That will be my next opus.