- The pollen storm is in full force, and I am a sad Yankee. #
- Thanks for wellwishes. All is well. Nothing missing from house, I'm fine. Y&C weren't home. Dog is hero of the day. CH Police seriously FTW. #
- What I'm learning from this is what I always suspected: I make a lousy witness. Sorry officers, really. #
- Too much excitement for one day: thwarted home breakin, called 911, rode in back of copcar. Events still unfolding… Stay tuned. #
- I admit defeat: my To Read list is longer than I'll ever get to. I hereby resolve to use Zotero more intelligently to compensate. #
- This weather is doing my motivation to sit in front of a screen all day no favors. #
- I keep thinking that legitimate news items today are pranks. It's really disorienting & kind of surreal. Or maybe they are? Hm. #
- I seriously want paint the entire interior of my house in this stuff: first http://is.gd/ba3tA then http://is.gd/ba3w5 #
- Google changing their name to Topeka http://is.gd/b9vNf via @dnw. // Now I'll go check my Tmail. #
- @fstutzman Klezmer street musicians? Where? in reply to fstutzman #
- It's a big day here at Pomerantz Central: the seasonal breaking out of C's sand & water play table. Welcome to the hot. #
- I've started to see the term "digital library" used in the lit to describe physical libraries that circulate ebooks. I consider this a win. #
- RT @silent_d New OA LIS journal: J of Library Innovation http://bit.ly/8peQl4 // Now we get to see what the profession considers innovative #
- @pmedward Wow, JELIS is putting fulltext up online in WordPress? Oh, and mazel tov. in reply to pmedward #
- There is a certain irony to being given work by my GA. #
- I want my iPhone to read me my email while I'm doing other things, & let me dictate replies back. Is there an app for that? #
- The hallway outside my office is being painted, for the first time since I've been in SILS. Stinky, but very welcome. #
- Next to no cell reception inside Teeter. Do you suppose that's a tactic to prevent use of comparison shopping apps like RedLaser? Insidious. #
- This has got to be a first: Required documentation for a grant application comes from DocSouth. http://is.gd/b5Dni #
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