I suspect I’m way behind the times, in that I’ve just discovered this, but… I’ve just discovered TagCrowd. And it’s way addictive. Because I’m an egomaniac, I created a text cloud from the titles of my journal pubs. Big surprise, “digital” and “reference” are the big winners. More interesting is that I use “collaborative” fairly frequently. What this really says to me, though, is that my titles are descriptive, but not very creative.
Then I made a cloud of the entire text of my recent article in RUSQ, minus the title, abstract, and references. Why that article? Because I’m very pleased with it. Again, no big surprises, except perhaps that I use “however” too often.
More interesting is the cloud from the titles of the work that cites me. Apparently I’ve been cited by a number of works in French and Spanish. And I have implications for the future.
So, if searching for yourself in search engines is ego surfing, what is this called? Would these be ego clouds?