This should be interesting, in large part because “Information Commons” is one of those terms that means something different to everyone. Sounds to me like what they mean here is as a physical space, like a collaboratory. Very different from Kranich‘s definition, as a conceptual space, basically a sharium.

Registration is now open for the TRLN Information Commons Symposium to be held on February 23rd from 8:30-4:30. There is no cost for the symposium but you must register at by 4:00 pm on February 14, 2005. Please share this information with your staff.

The symposium will feature four speakers who will present information on the history and context of Information Commons; how students – especially Net Gen students – learn; service models from a successful commons implementation; and the evolution to Learning Commons. A description of their presentations as well as brief biographies can be found by following the links on the registration and agenda page.

The symposium is jointly sponsored by the Committee on Information Technology and the Committee on Library Public Services.

How many names are there for the generation of students in college now? Net Gen, The Millenials, the New Millenials, Gen Y, the Echo Boomers… good grief, it’s a wonder these kids aren’t having a collective identity crisis.

Also, my personal opinion, we should have more symposia in academia.