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I’m the Student Volunteers Chair for the JCDL 2006 conference, which will be held here in sunny, scenic Chapel Hill, in the very pleasant middle of June. I just posted to the first call for volunteers to a bunch of listservs, and here it is. Any students out there among My Beloved Audience interested in working at the conference, please apply. Any faculty, librarians, and whatnot out there, please encourage your students to apply.

JCDL 2006: Opening Information Horizons
11-15 June 2006
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA

In an effort to encourage promising students involved in digital library research, the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2006 is offering a limited number of Student Volunteer Awards to students who are willing to help with conference activities. This is a great opportunity to be a part of the cutting edge in the digital library research from both the ACM and IEEE communities. There are plenty of opportunities to interact with the best and most prominent people in the field!

Volunteer awardees will receive complimentary conference registration, including continental breakfasts and breaks, regular conference sessions (excluding tutorial and workshop sessions), the poster and demo session, and the conference banquet. Student volunteers also get a copy of the conference proceedings. Travel and lodging expenses will be the responsibility of the volunteers but assistance in coordinating roommates amongst those selected will be offered.

Volunteers will work approximately 20 hours during the course of the conference. Duties will include setting up and cleaning up the facilities, answering questions from conference attendees, monitoring sessions, helping with technology facilities (wireless access, email room, etc.), assisting with registration, and running miscellaneous errands.

If you are an undergraduate or graduate student interested in volunteering, please complete the Student Volunteer Award Application Form at www.jcdl2006.org. Applications must be received by March 31, 2006. We will notify the selected students by May 12, 2006.

Jeffrey Pomerantz — pomerantz@unc.edu
JCDL 2006 Student Volunteer Coordinator

Joint Conference on Digital Libraries

Joint Conference on Digital Libraries JCDL is a major international forum focusing on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, and social issues. The theme of JCDL 2006, “Opening Information Horizons,” encompasses the many meanings of the term “digital libraries,” including (but not limited to) new forms of information institutions; operational information systems with all manner of digital content; new means of selecting, collecting, organizing, and distributing digital content; digital preservation and archiving; and theoretical models of information media, including document genres and electronic publishing.

Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2006: Opening Information Horizons
Volunteer application deadline: 31 March 2006
Conference Date: 11-15 June 2006
Place: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North
Carolina 27599, USA
Contact: pomerantz@unc.edu
Details: www.jcdl2006.org