As I’ve mentioned on Twitter, I’m going to Morocco tomorrow, to Ifrane. Actually it’s me and Javed, and we’re going to have initia meetings to establish a distance librarian-training program at Al Akhawayn University. We just received our itinerary for the first 2 days of our trip. And since I have nothing else to say at this point, I thought I’d feed your envy by posting that. I’ve deleted the names of the people who we’re meeting with and will be giving us tours.

Stay tuned for photos, and hopefully video. We’ll see what the connectivity situation is like. Ifrane is a university town, obviously, so I’m hopeful.

Sunday, June 21th

8:45 Arrival to Casa airport and pick up by a University driver

14:00 Arrival to AUI campus – Ifrane

14:10 Lunch – AUI Restaurant

15:00 Campus tour (by a Library Assistant)

Free afternoon

Monday, June 22th

8:30 Breakfast with our host

12:30 Lunch

Location: AUI restaurant

15:00 Meeting with our host and another academic officer

16:00 Visit of Fez City with a Library Assistant