• Let's hear it for the OC Shred-a-thon: an annual opportunity to purge papers we haven't needed in a lot longer than that. #
  • Easy security tip from CH Police: replace deadbolt plate screws in door jamb w/ longer ones, 2-3″. Makes it harder to kick the door in. #
  • CH Police FTW: Following up on our attempted break-in, 2 officers came by for a security walkaround & evaluation. What a great service. #
  • It's a black day for coffee lovers… black as my morning brew. Leslie Buck, Designer of Iconic Coffee Cup, Dies at 87 http://nyti.ms/d3i0V5 #
  • Bibliophile parent geekery: Satoshi Kitamura & Tomie dePaola are my new favorite author/illustrators. #
  • @trel @futureweb2010 What would it mean to be qualified to like something? If I have preferences, how am I not qualified? #
  • “It just might contain the secret of the universe.” // Philip K. Dick’s ‘Exegesis’ Will Receive Two-Volume Release – http://nyti.ms/a3YJ2P #
  • Dear @zotero: Please, for the love of all that is holy, develop an extension for Chrome. This is very near to a show-stopper for me. #
  • What I learned today: the English language has only 24 letters. Why? Because H=A and D=F. #
  • Office cleaning update: Anyone want an old Palm Tungsten T, or Palm T|X? Going cheap. Cheap = make it go away & it's yours. #
  • As usual, I have realized belatedly that @ybelanger was right all along: this time about the negative cost-benefit to being a packrat. #
  • My office cleaning initiative has been forcibly sped up: painters' ETA, this Fri or Mon. Am now resorting to throwing my s**t in boxes. #
  • @smalljones I'm a new member of the Instructional Technology Coordinating Cmte. Oddly, starting work at the END of the academic year. in reply to smalljones #
  • This conference room has the best view of any I've ever had meeting in at Carolina. http://yfrog.com/0aq6vaj #
  • Arrived for a meeting early & I feel like a slacker, as if the secretary is thinking, why aren't you too busy to arrive early? #
  • Ok Intertubes, I need a ruling for my office cleaning initiative: Do I pitch my journal pub offprints, if I have a PDF of same? #
  • Reading a report on grade inflation. Weird finding, not discussed but evident in figures: since 2000 Spring grades are higher than Fall. #
  • @MythBusters At 17 minutes since your post I'm probably too late, but… Ireland & Sweden. in reply to MythBusters #
  • My office was just tested for asbestos tile. Is my office a deathtrap? Apparently only due to the precariously perched piles of paper. #
  • I love the smell of Roundup in the morning. Smells like victory… over poison ivy. #
  • The Collapse of Complex Societies, the story so far: social complexity is expensive & unsustainable in the long run. // Me: ruh roh. #
  • C: “How do you make a party?” to “What would happen if there was no world?” without missing a beat. #
  • Instead of James & Giant Peach, C returns w/ Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook. Not bad choice really if stuck in a fruit w/ giant bugs. #

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