- O citrus juicer, where have you been all my life? You are the best unitasker I never knew I needed. #
- @silent_d Because FRPAA was intro'd to Senate only 6 months ago. You can't keep up with every new development. Use Twitter & RSS strategicly in reply to silent_d #
- Save me from yet another study of X's perceptions of Y. Really, I don't care what you think. Show me what you do. #
- @essprit Don't be silly, don't you know it's spelled “elemeno”? in reply to essprit #
- I got C graphic novels of Wizard of Oz & Alice in Wonderland, & now she wants to read them constantly. I've succeeded as a geekparent. #
- What I learned today: orzo expands in volume when boiled, way more than other pastas. #
- Semester isn't even over yet. How is my summer already booked? 3 papers to write, 2 courses to plan, & a grant proposal. Plus a partridge. #
- Had the Goat Patrol people to the house for an English ivy removal consult earlier this eve. Goat ETA at Chez Pomerantz, end of May. #
- @DavidBThomas Where did @mitchjoel get that 20% uniqueness of Google searches figure? I'd be very interested in a source for that. in reply to DavidBThomas #
- @trel Saw the announcement of your (of course) successful defense on the faculty listserv. Mazel tov! #
- @1lutherblissett Compute your own Erdös number! http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/collaborationDistance.html in reply to 1lutherblissett #
- My grades are in & I feel the unbearable lightness of being. For the next 15 minutes anyway. #
- My morning so far: voted, car for oil change. Next up: haircut. Basically, anything to avoid grading. #
- What will it take to block out this damn construction noise? Have moved from Floyd to LedZep to HüDü. A regular tour of late 20th C genres. #
- @MythBusters Angel Island #
- Reviewing a paper written by a friend is really hard. Usually I'm critical of double-blind reviewing, but this is totally what it's for. #
- It's easily been 25 years since I discovered Pink Floyd's Animals, and this album still totally does it for me. #
- Apparently they're done painting my office. Now, sadly, I have no excuse for not being on campus. #
- It's a red letter day here at Pomerantz central… Red as in red hot. Turned on the AC for the first time this season. #
- Found another 4 leaf clover. Been finding surprisingly many lately. Should I be concerned about this high mutation rate? #
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