I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!

Librarians Protest Science‘s Departure From JSTOR, Fearing a Trend, from the Chronicle …the American Association for the Advancement of Science announced in late July that it would pull its flagship journal, Science, from JSTOR… According to the announcement, the AAAS, as the association is known, was merely joining ‘an increasing number’ of large scientific-society journals that were ‘digitizing and controlling their own content.’ … Over the last few months, several.. Read More

That word, I do not think it means what you think it means.

Project of Publishers’ Association Is Criticized by Some of Its Members and Open-Access Advocates, from the Chronicle Mr. Dezenhall’s advice to the publishers’ association, says Nature, included a suggestion that it focus on messages such as “Public access equals government censorship.” That advice echoes throughout Prism’s Web site in language like this: “Policies are being proposed that threaten to introduce undue government intervention in science and scholarly publishing, putting at.. Read More

None, I think, do there embrace

Scholars Embrace New Publication Modes in Theory More Than in Practice, Study Finds, from the Chronicle The report concludes that “the UC faculty largely conform to conventional behavior regarding scholarly communication, such as publishing in traditional venues, but widely express a need for change in the current systems of scholarly communication.” Well, I can’t say that’s a huge surprise to me. Everyone recognizes that the existing scholarly communication system is.. Read More

Follow-up to a recent post

A reader wrote me an email a few days ago, referring to my recent Ohio State Open Access Initiative post: What data did you find dubious in the Torrey article? I am not going to reproduce my entire (entirely too long, more like) reply here, but it went more or less like this: First was this quote from the ITS report: The report clearly describes student behavior: “The average user.. Read More

That’s *The* Ohio State Open Access Initiative

The Ohio State University Press Open Access Initiative The mission of The Ohio State University Press is to disseminate the best scholarship as widely as possible. Towards that end, we are making the complete texts of certain books available from our website. You will need the free Adobe Reader or some other PDF-enabled program to read the text. All titles available this way, whether old or new, have gone through.. Read More

Google saving university presses?

Some Publishers Warm to Google Book Search, from the Chronicle This has been so effective, says a representative of Oxford University Press, that “321,000 times in the last two years, people have clicked on an Oxford book saying ‘I want to buy this.’ We spent nothing to do that. That’s why we’re a big fan of this program.” This is an interesting (one presumes) unintended consequence of Google Book Search,.. Read More

Ego Cloud

I suspect I’m way behind the times, in that I’ve just discovered this, but… I’ve just discovered TagCrowd. And it’s way addictive. Because I’m an egomaniac, I created a text cloud from the titles of my journal pubs. Big surprise, “digital” and “reference” are the big winners. More interesting is that I use “collaborative” fairly frequently. What this really says to me, though, is that my titles are descriptive, but.. Read More

Hughes, Elsevier, PubMed

Hughes Institute’s Deal With Elsevier Will Open Up Access to Its Researchers’ Work, from The Chronicle The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the nation’s largest private supporter of biomedical research, announced on Thursday that it would pay the publishing giant Elsevier to open up access to papers that scientists affiliated with the institute have published in any of the 2,000 journals in the Elsevier family… According to the agreement, Elsevier would.. Read More


A slightly odd addition to the noble ranks the epistolary novel: Re: Book written in txt msg, from CNN At least txt is a recognizable written slang, and not phonetic, or weirder, entirely made up.

Doing our part to support D-Lib

D-Lib Magazine has been facing funding issues for some time now. There’s an editorial about this in the latest issue: Current and Future Status of D-Lib Magazine From the many readers who have spoken with D-Lib’s editor, Bonnie Wilson, as well as with me and others at CNRI, and from various studies such as “The Core: Digital Library Education in Library and Information Science Programs” [3], we know that D-Lib.. Read More