BloggerCon: Gillmor

In a weird confluence of work-related events, I just ran into AE, who I’m working with in a small way for a project for my DL course. We talked about the issue of anonymity or toning yourself down on account of not knowing which of your colleagues are reading. We also talked about the project. Sally has just started liveblogging: I feel I’ve peer pressured her into it! Gillmor discusses.. Read More

BloggerCon: Aggregation

Building a geographically focused aggregator. Heck, the Participants list for this is a good start towards that for this area. Cone: Letters to the editor posted on a blog, attracts comments from a wide community. I’m reading We The Media & he mentions letters to the editor as an example of Big Media’s trivial effort to make media two-way. So is this a way to increase two-way-ness? Someone: “I’m the.. Read More

BloggerCon: Discussion

Damn, this liveblogging is difficult. It’s more work than taking notes in a presentation even. Maybe good practice for taking notes at conferences though? Eric Muller, IsThatLegal?. Two blogs that are on opposite sides of the political spectrum both linked to him on one day, thus bringing 2 very divergent communities together in a friendly way. Dave Winer: The obsession with links & traffic is like the dot-com boom, only.. Read More

BloggerCon: Ed Cone

Ed Cone: “If you want flow, if you want a huge number of people to come to your website, does anyone know the one-word answer to that? Porn. Another way to get high flow is to be super partisan.” He says: “I’m trying to build the biggest community for my voice that I can possibly build.” Is that a noble experiment in niche community-building or megalomania? He emails links to.. Read More

BloggerCon: Carnival of the Vanities

The ultimate vanity press: “If you didn’t think that you had anything to say, you wouldn’t be doing this.” Silflay Hraka is talking about his Carnival of the Vanities. It was an attempt to hack the Blogdex rankings. Now we’re talking about The Long Tail. Someone to my right says that blogs are an example of the long tail: more people followed the later news on Rathergate than watched the.. Read More

BloggerCon: BabyBlogs

BabyBlog: that’s a new term on me. Ben MacNeill is talking about his blog, The Trixie Update. I love the graphs. This is like the Alton Brown of babyblogs: the science of everyday things. Ben asks, for life events, do you post in real-time, or save it up & post long updates? He suggests that you lay groundrules so your audience knows what to expect & doesn’t go away unhappy.. Read More

BloggerCon: Live Blogging II

Anton says that the price for admission to this free conference is that you have to share your experiences. This is one of the things that I think will be most interesting coming out of this conference: to look at the live blog posts made during this event, after it’s over. The cross-section of the event, the artifacts created during the event, through the eyes of everyone here. I left.. Read More

BloggerCon: Live Blogging

I realized yesterday that this will be the first time I’ve live blogged anything. Be interesting to see how that goes. I realized this morning that I’ve communicated with some of the people here more via our blogs than I have in person. I said this to Sally, & her comment was, “there are all kinds of communities.” Indeed.