7 years in internet time = way obsolete

This is funny in that makes-you-want-to-cry kind of way: Feds Complete Internet Traffic Report, from AP Lawmakers had demanded the $1 million study, ultimately called “Signposts in Cyberspace,” under a 1998 law. Passed almost at the dawn of what became the Internet boom, the law required the Commerce Department to seek a study about Web addresses and trademarks by the National Research Council and wrap up the report within nine.. Read More

Tour of the Stone Center Library

Raquel Von Cogell, the librarian in the Stone Center Library, gave a tour of the library today at 2. This was my first time in that library – in fact, my first time in the Stone Center building. The library is very nice, small (we estimated around 3,000 sq ft), but with very spiffy new furniture, beautiful wood shelving, and wired carrells and wireless access. Raquel said that there’s room.. Read More