Thanks to Nelson for bringing this to my attention:

Final ‘Star Wars’ film leaked to the Internet, from Reuters

“Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith” has been leaked onto a major file-sharing network just hours after opening in theaters…

At least two copies of the film, which was first shown in theaters in the early hours of Thursday, have been posted to the BitTorrent file-sharing network…

…one print was leaked on Wednesday before the film was even released in theaters. The movie was time-stamped, suggesting it may have come from within the industry rather than from someone who videotaped an advance screening.

And this, my friends, is why no amount of clampdown on content will prevent all leaks. Information may or may not want to be free, but some people are always going to wish it did. Dale, one of my litter-mates in the PhD program, used to work for the DIA (or so he claimed! 🙂 ). He always said that the least secure part of any network is the people in it. QED.