DIY information online, from Pew

Thanks to Luke for pointing this out: a new memo from Pew Internet & American Life titled Do-it-yourself information online. Some 55% of adult internet users have looked for “how-to,” “do-it-yourself” or repair information online and roughly 1 in 20 internet users — about 7 million people — search for help on a typical day. … More internet users seek do-it-yourself information online than participate in chat rooms (17% say.. Read More

NC State Librarian job posting

Although it’s apparently been posted for some time, I just found out about this today: the job posting for the NC State Librarian. Salary Range: $52,784 – $88,442. Know anyone who’s interested?

VRD Learning Center changes

The following is extracted from a mass email to all VRD volunteers (of which I am one), from Blythe Bennett: … the VRD project will end on June 30, 2005. The US Department of Education has had major budget cuts and unfortunately, we are one of the cuts. For those of you familiar with our annual conference, we will still have this year’s conference in San Francisco, but it is.. Read More