We’re back from Croatia; got back on Tuesday night. And let me tell you, we almost didn’t. I was seriously this close to not coming home several times. I can’t speak for all of Croatia, but Dalmatia (the region from about Zadar south) is gorgeous. Plus the weather was perfect, the ocean is warm, it’s very relaxing, & every cup of espresso I had was orders of magnitude better than anything in the States. What’s not to love?

Yvonne & I have started sorting & annotating our more than 500 photos. About halfway through the trip we went into an internet cafe (there are tons of them, several in every city) that will take your digital camera card & burn the files to a CD, did that, & then wiped the card & started over. So yeah, we have a lot of photos. Some of the better ones are here. We’ll put up more as we get them sorted out.

BTW, I did not, repeat not, miss my laptop at all. I checked my email twice in two weeks, despite there being internet cafes all over the place. Each time about half of it was spam and the other half seemed trivial. And as Yvonne put it, the bar for trivial just kept going up.