Book Buying Through the Open WorldCat Program

An announcement from OCLC: OCLC has begun a pilot within the Open WorldCat program to facilitate the online purchase of books identified through Open WorldCat. Web searchers in the United States that reach Open WorldCat from popular search engines or other Web resources may use a book buying link to purchase books through Baker & Taylor, a leading provider of books, videos, music and other services to libraries, retailers and.. Read More

Survivor: Social Network

IM Someone: The Online Popularity Test, from the WaPo The article is about the AIM Fight site: …you enter your AOL or AIM screen name and your friend’s AOL or AIM screen name. Then you click “fight” to figure out who’s got a bigger score — as in who’s better connected and more popular. Your popularity is based on who has you on their buddy list. There’s a complicated algorithm.. Read More

Scotty, we hardly knew ye

‘Star Trek’ star James Doohan dies, from AP A moment of silence, please. And bagpipes, of course. I actually have a personalized autograph from Doohan, “To Jeff” and everything. My dad got it at a conference back in the ’70s sometime where Doohan was a guest speaker. (Bad librarian: I really should know the provenance.) I guess I’d better take good care of it!

State Library of NC Online Workshop Calendar

From the NCLIVE-L list: Subject: State Library Announces Fall CE Schedule The State Library has something NEW for you – An Online Workshop Calendar We are pleased to announce the Fall 2005 schedule of workshops, and we’re excited to make it available to you in our NEW Online Calendar. The Online Calendar will be updated regularly, which will allow you to stay current with the workshops we offer. Most of.. Read More

Mooers’ Law

That’s Mooers, like cows. (Oh come on, don’t say you don’t get it: cows moo, they’re moo-ers, as opposed to humans who hear the moos, making us moo-ees.) Not to be confused with Moore’s Law. Anyhoo… I don’t even remember how, but I came across a reference to Mooers’ Law recently, so I found the paper that proposes it: Mooers, C. N. (1960). Mooers’ Law; or why some retrieval systems.. Read More

BBC open source

Maybe I’m just out of the loop, but I only just learned about this site, BBC open source. This paragraph really gives me hope; the Beeb gets it. For the BBC, open source software development is an extension of our Public Service remit. Releasing open source software helps our audience get additional value from the work they’ve funded, and also get tools for free that they couldn’t get any other.. Read More

Wikipedia Rapid Response

I’m posting this mostly for myself, to keep track of this link (Kristina take note) so I can use it as an example in class, come the Fall. Disaster Response, via Wikis, from The Chronicle of Higher Ed’s Wired Campus Blog How does Wikipedia, the online open-source encyclopedia, actually work? Web surfers got a close look at the process when users of the site edited an entry about the mass-transit.. Read More

Database indexing & journal copyright agreements, Part 3

This is the hopefully final chapter in a saga that began a long time ago in three previous posts far, far away. Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up. I had a paper accepted for publication in a journal. Given the choice, I signed the copyright agreement by which I retain copyright. Question: Will this paper be indexed in the databases I want it in?.. Read More


Texas Universities Join to Create a Digital Library for Scholars and the Public, from the Chronicle Four Texas university systems and Rice University will collaborate on a digital repository whose goal is to offer online resources, such as teaching aids, dissertations, and practical information, although not books. The repository will be called the Texas Digital Library, but it will not resemble the California Digital Library — not initially, at least… Read More


Can You Predict Justice O’Connor’s Replacement? Kevin McGuire of the Poli Sci department here at Carolina is running a futures market with play money to predict who will replace Justice O’Connor. I’ve heard about these mock markets & I understand they’re almost alarmingly accurate in predicting political proceedings (a lot of alliteration from anxious anchors placed in powerful posts!). I’m totally going to participate in this one. And I’ll indulge.. Read More