
That Was The Week in Twitter That Was

Back in February, I started digesting my Twitter feed to this blog. Well, I’ve decided to stop. I was inspired by Scott‘s My Day of Twitter posts and Dave‘s Twitter digest posts, plus I liked the archival aspect to it. But after doing it for a while, it seems like overkill to me. If you want to read my tweets, follow me on Twitter. I also feed my Twitter feed.. Read More

My week in Twitter

I, for one, would like to know where Max & Ruby's parents are, hm? Parents, any thoughts on this apparent abandonment? # The IKEA electric butt: http://twitpic.com/1w5iyt # Chapel Hill Tire is apparently staffed by a fleet of Scottys. A 2.5 hour estimate? No problem. Done in 45 minutes. # @essprit Oh dear. Maybe he's just trying to say “firetruck”? in reply to essprit # It's come to this… I've.. Read More

My week in Twitter

A curious side effect of the goats: I feel more empowered to hack my yard than I ever have before. English ivy beware. # @lazyphiphi They're done. We hired them for 3 days; became 3.5 due to rain. Now I have to actually do something with the yard they cleared. in reply to lazyphiphi # The goat line of demarcation: http://twitpic.com/1tutua # Goodbye goats http://twitpic.com/1tue8c # It's the end of.. Read More

Facebook social Q&A service is the harbinger of the death of reference

Via Jason Griffey’s Twitterstream, I came across this announcement from Facebook, where they announce the beta rollout of a question-answering service. I say, this is the death of library reference. Not that this Facebook service specifically will kill reference. But the fact that Facebook has jumped on the Q&A bandwagon is a signal that the last nail on the coffin of library reference was put in place some time ago… Read More

My week in Twitter

The mob of parents taking photos & video at a kid's party looks like an electronics showcase. # Another birthday party for one of C's friends at an indoor play place. Can this possibly be as exhausting for the kids as for the parents? # Simple Green makes hand soap now? Who knew? We used that stuff to clean everything in college. http://twitpic.com/1s5hy0 # .@lapple13 The goats eat pretty much.. Read More

Peer review, feh.

I had a realization a few days ago, about my reading habits and my approach to intellectual work. I was reading The Bursting of the Academic Library Bubble, by Steven Bell, in Library Journal. That article contains a link to the blog post DIY U: Is There a Bubble in the Higher Education Market?, by Michael Feldstein. Actually I read both of these pieces on my iPhone, in the Read.. Read More

My week in Twitter

No Tarheels allowed? Not sure what this sign is supposed to mean. http://yfrog.com/jdjlpj # Dear Mr Defoe: 95% of Robinson Crusoe leads up to or takes place on his island. Then it ends with a battle against wolves, in France? WTF? # Dear Daniel Defoe: Crusoe is on his island for 20 years and bubkes happens. Then in his last 3 years it turns into Grand Central? Really? # Bought.. Read More

My week in Twitter

Technology that has already turned out to be essential to this vacation: iPhone, Evernote, Google Docs, duct tape. # While I was packing the car this morn for our vacation, C climbs into her seat, buckles up, & declares “I can't wait!” Me neither kid. # Ok all you Unix heads: vacation -I. The rest of you can figure it out, I'm sure. # Moment of Boston pride: according to.. Read More

My week in Twitter

O citrus juicer, where have you been all my life? You are the best unitasker I never knew I needed. # @silent_d Because FRPAA was intro'd to Senate only 6 months ago. You can't keep up with every new development. Use Twitter & RSS strategicly in reply to silent_d # Save me from yet another study of X's perceptions of Y. Really, I don't care what you think. Show me.. Read More

My week in Twitter

Let's hear it for the OC Shred-a-thon: an annual opportunity to purge papers we haven't needed in a lot longer than that. # Easy security tip from CH Police: replace deadbolt plate screws in door jamb w/ longer ones, 2-3″. Makes it harder to kick the door in. # CH Police FTW: Following up on our attempted break-in, 2 officers came by for a security walkaround & evaluation. What a.. Read More